Friday 26 November 2010


Its no mystery that i love Kylie Minogue, so i'm incredibly happy to hear that Miss Minogue is releasing a cover of a christmas song and a new greatest hits album that will include remixes of her classic and new renditions of her singles.
Recently Kylie appeared on BBC Radio and sang new renditions of Can't Get You Outta My Head, All The Lovers and her brilliant new single Better Than Today. Check out the videos below, they are definitely worth a listen to.

(These videos are property of the BBC, i do not own any of the rights, they are for personal use and not to gain any profit from, thank you BBC)

Drewy Out.

Friday 19 November 2010

Kylie Minogue - Better Than Today Official video

Ahh Kylie, you make my day, i was so happy to see her secretly release this video. I love the Rocky Horror influence and of course i love this song, definitely one of the standout tracks from Aphrodite.

Kylie Minogue - Better Than Today
Uploaded by EMI_Music. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

Drewy Out.

Dancing With The Stars...Argentina Style

This is just words can describe what argentina considers dancing....its basically porn on primetime tv!!!!


Uploaded by betocammpos. - See the latest featured music videos.

After my rant today i had to give you guys something back.

Drewy Out.

Angry Rant #1

It's nothing personal but I seriously hate people sometimes. I never intended for this blog to be a place for me or anyone to rant and vent their feeling but i guess times are changing.
Today as I was leaving sixth form an ignorant douchebag of a student thought it would be hilarious to call me a "top batty man, gay boy" first thought was to ignore this comment since I hear stuff like this on a daily basis directed at me and even my friends, but then I thought why should I allow this lowlife of a person to continue thinking it's acceptable to say such things about someone you dont know.
So I turned around and looked at this primark jacket wearing piece of trash and voiced my own opinion about them to see how they'd like it...Then came the typical responses of an immature brat "Shut up you gay", "Fuck Off" and my personal favourite "Chief", some people can dish it out, but can't take it. I told this homophobe of a child that the things he said behind my back is incredibly offensive and that he has no right to do so but this just recieved the same response as before. But he seemed to have to balls to make an excuse for it, like i had it coming because apparently wearing skinny jeans, boots and having style typecasts you as gay, did you guys know this? must have missed the memo. I got so ticked off that i was the one shouting know, In a tone i never take with anyone i told him that that that give him no permission to be so disrespectful.  I left them to their immature antics and walked away.
Its comments like that that have led to the suicides and tragedies we've seen in the news too frequently as of late. The gays are great, people need to stop the hate.
I for one refuse to stand in the shadows any longer, come Monday I'll wear ultra skinnys to school and let the bullies have their fodder coz god knows I've got mine.


Drewy Out.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

This Made My Day...

Ellen is hilarious and this just proves it. Last year Taylor Swift was performing on Ellen and this is what happened backstage, i recently saw it again because Ellen did something a little similar this year. But trust me on this, there's a serious drop involved LOVE IT!!!